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Writing targeted content for your technology business that meaningfully connects with your customers and prospects

I'm a technology writer, content strategist, and problem-solver with an engineering background. I focus on the Water Resource Recovery and Renewable Energy industries.


I understand tech and can help elevate your brand to grow your business with quality marketing and educational content.

Shall we chat?

My Portfolio
A Sampling

Case Study

The customer feared catastrophic water hammer in their distribution system - problem solved

White Paper

Wastewater treatment technologies continue to improve rapidly - an illustration of one such process.


Renewable energy offers a viable path forward to power our world according to these experts

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Highlighting an effective wastewater treatment process for municipal and industrial applications

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Client Letter

The client advises wineries of its process experience to save them water and reduce costs

Presentation Narrative

The engineering consultant-client introduces their building energy engineering service

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Sell Sheet

A trade show hand-out explaining the customer's biodegradable additive for plastic products

Video Content

This company created a video highlighting a unique method to reduce ocean plastics

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Website Content

The client planned a wholesale revision to their website, incorporating new content and services for their water SaaS

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Tradeshow Banner

The manufacturer of high-quality wastewater treatment equipment and processes highlighted several of their technologies

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Press Release

The client was poised to enter the North American market with a unique process for purifying biogas to renewable natural gas

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Editing Work

The client is a construction expert, and they requested assistance in articulating their value proposition in response to a Request for Proposals submission

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E-Book 1 of 2

The first of two e-books for those considering solar energy for their home, entitled,

"Buyer's Guide to Solar Energy Freedom"

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E-Book 2 of 2

The second of a two-set series of e-books for solar energy enthusiasts, entitled,

"Homeowner's Guide to Solar Energy Storage"

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